
Minecraft is such a fun game.

My Favorite Minecraft Commands 1.12.2

/summon Fireball ~ ~1 ~ {direction:[0.0,0.0,0.0],ExplosionPower:1}
This command simply summons a fireball with no motion. Copy

/summon Fireball ~ ~1 ~ {direction:[0.0,0.1,-1.0],ExplosionPower:1}
This command is different however. It seems to have motion, but in reality it just has a direction to face. This causes it to start off moving fast, but slow down into a halt. Copy

/summon Fireball ~ ~1 ~ {direction:[0.0,0.1,-1.0],power:[0.0,0.1,-1.0],ExplosionPower:1}
This is the command you will most likely use. It summons a fireball at a constant speed. Copy

/summon Fireball ~ ~1 ~ {direction:[0.0,0.0,0.0],power:[0.0,0.5,-20.0],ExplosionPower:1}
You can vary the constant speed, like I did. Now the fireball moves extremely fast. This is he fastest speed a fireball can go without glitching and exploding right where it spawns. (At a power of 20) Copy

/summon Fireball ~ ~1 ~ {direction:[0.0,0.1,-1.0],power:[0.0,0.1,-1.0],ExplosionPower:10}
Now we get to the fun part. This fireball will explode a large explosion. After this explosion size, all other explosion sizes still work, but no bigger particles will be shown. Copy

/summon Fireball ~ ~1 ~ {direction:[0.0,0.1,-1.0],power:[-0.4,0.1,-1.0],ExplosionPower:50}
Here is a fireball with an explosion power of 50. This will make you fly backwards in creative mode if you're close enough. This fireball is also diagnol, proving that fireballs, like other entities, can go at any angle from 1 to 360. Copy

/summon Fireball ~ ~1 ~ {direction:[0.0,0.1,-10.0],power:[-0.4,0.1,-1.0],ExplosionPower:50}
Here is a fireball that is like the other one but this fireball curves in it's path. After 10 blocks the fireball will curve to the left. This is an interesting thing to use, especially for tricking players in maps. Copy

/summon minecraft:wither_skull ~ ~1 ~ {direction:[-0.5,0.1,-1.0],power:[-0.5,0.1,-1.0]}
Finally, just to prove myself, here is a command to summon a wither skull. I play in 1.11, but it doesn't matter for these commands except you have to change the wither_skull to WitherSkull. Copy

To summon an ocelot in Minecraft 1.11 and 1.12:

/summon ocelot

To summon a baby ocelot that is named Cutie:

/summon ocelot ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:Cutie,Age:-25000}

To summon an ocelot that is tamed, owned by DigMinecraft and is a tuxedo cat in Minecraft 1.11, 1.12 and 1.13:

/summon minecraft cat ~ ~ ~ {Owner:DigMinecraft, CatType:1}

To summon an ocelot that is tamed, owned by Joey and is a tabby cat:

/summon minecraft cat ~ ~ ~ {Owner:Joey, CatType:2}

To summon an ocelot that is tamed, owned by Sarah and is a siamese cat:

/summon minecraft cat ~ ~ ~ {Owner:Sarah, CatType:3}